Birds of prey


Iโ€™ve been a professional wildlife photographer since 2008 and for all of that time Iโ€™ve been trying to take pictures that will invoke an emotional response with people. In my experience, there is nothing that does that quite as well as baby animals. Itโ€™s probably got [...]


A rufous-tailed hummingbird in Costa Rica Back-light is, as you might expect, where the light on the subject is predominantly from behind. What this does is produce a dramatic effect, outlining the subject in rim light. All the more stunning if that light is warm in [...]

Costa Rica 2014 Part 3

[iq-testimonials-page id='4'] Long-billed hermit hummingbird. No, it's not a seahorse Parts 1 and 2 were about getting some images out into the world after my recent photography trip to Costa Rica. Of course there are lots more images here too, but I think it's [...]

Costa Rica 2014 Part 1

[Here are parts 2 and 3] In January I went to Costa Rica to take photos of the incredible wildlife. What an amazing place. I went to three different areas to see what I could find. There's so much more to explore there and the more I've photographed, the more [...]

Giant Red Kite Takes Flight

Yesterday, the exhibition of pictures I've taken for the Flight of the Red Kite project opened at Gateshead's Civic Centre. Below is today's Newcastle Journal with an article by Tony Henderson and there are better quality versions of some of the images here. today's Journal article by Tony Henderson [...]

Red kites like you’ve never seen them before

Now then, that's a big bird! Red kites have been an important thread running through my wildlife photography for years. The RSPB originally commissioned me to get shots of the end of the reintroduction project here in the north east. Once the reintroduction had completed, the project handed over the [...]

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