sports photos

St. Oswald’s Ultra 2014 film

Here's the film I made of the inaugural race held in Northumberland this year. There's more info and photos in this post and the race was expertly organised by Total Racing International. You can sign up for 2015's race at See you there!

By |2018-10-24T19:53:59+01:0022 Dec 2014|North East England, Northumberland, Running, Sport, Ultra running|

St. Oswald’s Ultra Run 2014 Photos

Here are the photos from this fantastic event. I also shot a short film of the event. See below to buy digital images or prints. There are many more images for the 50K Holy Island to Craster leg than for the 100K and 100 mile events. That's because the field got increasingly strung [...]

By |2018-10-24T19:54:05+01:008 Oct 2014|North East England, Northumberland, Running, Sport, Ultra running|

Spanish City Triathlon 2014 photos

Here are the photos from the event (there's a short film here). See below to buy digital images or prints. Click on a thumbnail to enlarge.   Buy a digital image or print [wp_eStore_fancy1 id=12] [wp_eStore_fancy1 id=13]   More triathlon and other sports images here.

By |2018-10-24T19:54:17+01:0021 Aug 2014|Newcastle & Tyneside, North East England, Sport, Triathlon|
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