Gloucestershire badger cull

Badger cull – here we go again

In the firing line – badger cull trial resumed last night A change in Environment Secretary fromΒ Owen Patterson to Liz Truss hasn't slowedΒ the momentum behind the badger cull, which resumed again last night. Scientific advice has been consistently against the effectiveness of shooting badgers to control bovine TB. [...]

By |2018-10-24T19:54:07+01:009 Sep 2014|Badgers, Conservation, Mammals|

Two wildlife opinions: badger cull and critically endangered tigers

In December's Wild Planet Photo Magazine I have two pieces; one on why the badger cull defies science and common sense, and the other on just how critically endangered tigers are. The Nov, Dec and Jan issues are all free. I'm delighted to see that the culls have failed, [...]

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