[Here are parts 2 and 3]

In January I went to Costa Rica to take photos of the incredible wildlife. What an amazing place. I went to three different areas to see what I could find. There’s so much more to explore there and the more I’ve photographed, the more I’ve realised how I’ve barely scratched the surface. I’ll definitely have to go back.

Now then, this trip wouldn’t be complete without a toucan!

Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus, Costa Rica

Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus, northern Costa Rica

Or indeed a humming bird:

Rufous-tailed hummingbird, Amazilia tzacati, Costa Rica

Rufous-tailed hummingbird, Amazilia tzacati, northern Costa Rica

Or a tree frog. This one’s sleepy during the day. How cute?!

Canal zone tree frog, Hypsiboas rufitelusCosta Rica

Canal zone tree frog, Hypsiboas rufitelus, northern Costa Rica

I didn’t expect to see the following rare and endangered bird, but here it is:  resplendent quetzal!

Resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus moccino costaricensis

Resplendent quetzal, Pharomachrus moccino costaricensis, Monteverde, Costa Rica

And a random selection of other fantastic wildlife:

White-faced capuchin, Cebus capucinus, Corcovado, Costa Rica

White-faced capuchin, Cebus capucinus, Corcovado, Costa Rica

Passerini's tanager male, Ramphocelus passerinii, northern Costa Rica

Passerini’s tanager male, Ramphocelus passerinii, northern Costa Rica

Baird's Tapir-Tapirus bairdii

Baird’s Tapir, Tapirus bairdii, Corcovado, Costa Rica

Slaty-tailed trogon male, Trogon massena, Corcovado, Costa-Rica

Slaty-tailed trogon male, Trogon massena, Corcovado, Costa-Rica

Humpback whale mother and calf-Megaptera novaeangliae

Humpback whale mother and calf, Megaptera novaeangliae, Corcovado, Costa Rica

You would't mess with this guy: American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus

You would’t mess with this guy: American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, Corcovado, Costa Rica

Spiderman! Geoffroy's spider monkey-Ateles geoffroyi

Spiderman! The endangered Geoffroy’s spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi, Corcovado, Costa Rica

Angry bird! Ruffous-tailed jacamar male, Galbula ruficauda

Angry bird! Rufous-tailed jacamar male, Galbula ruficauda, Corcovado, Costa Rica

False killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens, Corcovado, Costa Rica

False killer whale (actually a type of dolphin), Pseudorca crassidens, Corcovado, Costa Rica

Brown-hooded parrots, Pyrilia haematotis, northern Costa Rica

Brown-hooded parrots, Pyrilia haematotis, northern Costa Rica

Collared araçari, Pteroglossus torquatus, northern Costa Rica

Collared araçari, Pteroglossus torquatus, northern Costa Rica


White-nosed coati, Nasua narica, northern Costa Rica-

White-nosed coati, Nasua narica, northern Costa Rica

Many more images to come! …