KALEEL’S PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS2019-05-14T10:35:10+01:00

I’m gradually building a resource of photography hints and tips from my experience as a professional photographer since 2008. Hopefully this will be useful information, so let me know if you have topic suggestions and I’ll do my best to include them.

When to use a tripod, monopod, beanbag or other camera support

Male urban peregrine falcon - a shot like this taken at 1200mm (600mm + 2x converter) simply can't be taken without a tripod. Nikon D800E, 600mm f/4 lens, 1/400sec , f/11, ISO 1600, Manfrotto 055CXPRO4 carbon fibre tripod with Wimberley Head Tripod? Monopod? Gorillapod? Baffled? Read on! Whether or not to use a tripod is one of those questions [...]

Notes on a summer photographing swallows

It's an uplifting experience to be heralded into the office by two duelling robins, each belting out a bright song from a nearby tree, with me receiving a glorious stereo mix in the middle. It's not robins I have in mind this morning though. I've spent a good part of the summer with swallows both here in the UK [...]

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