
How to Photograph Birds in Flight

Male purple-crowned woodnymph hummingbird, Costa Rica. This shot required a very fast shutter speed of 1/4000 s as well as flash. It was also manually pre-focussed PhotographingΒ birds in flightΒ is one of the most common things to want to achieve in wildlife photography, but it can be fiendishly [...]

By |2022-12-10T22:18:41+00:0026 Sep 2014|Birds, Technique, Tips|

Summer on the Farne Islands

Puffin Precarious pipit As the rain and temperature fall, further bending the already berry-laden rowan I've just parked under, I'm wondering whether that's it for summer this year. Mind, what a summer it's been! Rarely have we had such good weather in continuous dollops. It's certainly [...]

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