
Farne Islands June 2017

Another fantastic day at the Farne Islands yesterday! Thank you to my lovely workshop clients: welcome back to old friends and welcome aboard to new ones! Here are a few images I took during the trip: Sunset gannet taking off from a feeding frenzy [...]

Wildlife of the Farne Islands 2nd Edition

I'm very excited to announce that I have finally finished the second edition to my book! This one is fully updated for 2015 and has 200 extra pages of images, species information and photography advice. It's been 4 years since I first published Wildlife of the Farne Islands and this [...]

Summer on the Farne Islands

Puffin Precarious pipit As the rain and temperature fall, further bending the already berry-laden rowan I've just parked under, I'm wondering whether that's it for summer this year. Mind, what a summer it's been! Rarely have we had such good weather in continuous dollops. It's certainly [...]

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