I’m very excited to announce that I have finally finished the second edition to my book!
This one is fully updated for 2015 and has 200 extra pages of images, species information and photography advice. It’s been 4 years since I first published Wildlife of the Farne Islands and this time, I wanted to really expand the book and provide it as a downloadable eBook. This means you can read it and take it with you anywhere on a phone or tablet, or read on a computer.
- Fully updated for the 2015 breeding season on the Farnes
- 200 new pages taking the book to 384 pages
- Fully updated information throughout
- New species accounts: bottlenose dolphin, roseate tern, oystercatcher, rock pipit
- More cute chick photos!
- 40 pages of photography advice
- Completely reformatted as an eBook: weighs nothing, easy navigation, easy to read – ideal for phones, tablets, computers
- Short section on geology
- 7 years in the making
Available to download now.
Here are a few of pages as examples
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