

I’ve been a professional wildlife photographer since 2008 and for all of that time I’ve been trying to take pictures that will invoke an emotional response with people. In my experience, there is nothing that does that quite as well as baby animals. It’s probably got [...]

Farne Islands June 2017

Another fantastic day at the Farne Islands yesterday! Thank you to my lovely workshop clients: welcome back to old friends and welcome aboard to new ones! Here are a few images I took during the trip: Sunset gannet taking off from a feeding frenzy [...]

Summer on the Farne Islands

Puffin Precarious pipit As the rain and temperature fall, further bending the already berry-laden rowan I've just parked under, I'm wondering whether that's it for summer this year. Mind, what a summer it's been! Rarely have we had such good weather in continuous dollops. It's certainly [...]

Jump! My latest ‘Through The Lens’ column

I've actually remembered to mention it this time! Just out on 1 June, this is my regular column in Landscape & Wildlife Photography Magazine. This month it's about guillemots and 'jumplings'. The humble guillemot, it turns out, is anything but humble. Quite remarkable, actually. Hope you enjoy it. K [...]

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