Now then, that’s a big bird!
Red kites have been an important thread running through my wildlife photography for years. The RSPB originally commissioned me to get shots of the end of the reintroduction project here in the north east. Once the reintroduction had completed, the project handed over the baton to Friends of Red KitesΒ (FoRK). For the past several months I’ve been doing a commission for FoRK: we had a 22m wingspan red kite to photograph at strategic landmarks around the North East. Here are a few of the resulting images which will form part of a roving exhibition.
Birds on the radio
BBC Radio 4’s Living World presenter, Trai Anfield did an excellentΒ recent piece on our local kites. It was lovely to hear Trai and FoRK’s Harold Dobson talking about these magificent birds – 46 kites on a pylon no less!
Trai also works with us on our safaris.
Newcastle Gateshead Quayside
Gibside Chapel
St. Mary’s Lighthouse
Angel of the North
Marsden Rock
Sunderland International Glass Centre
Newcastle Gateshead Quayside – lots of people under a 22m red kite!
[…] Red kites like you’ve never seen them before […]
[…] of Red Kites (FoRK) commissioned me last year to take photos of a huge mosaic red kite next to several North East England landmark sites. The resulting images have been touring galleries […]
The mosaic will be built on Saturday, on Palace Green, durham Cathedral at 10am – come along and help.
It will also be built on Performance Square, Sage Gateshead, on Saturday 5 July, as part of our On Red Kite Wings event. Go to to find out all the details. It’s time to celebrate our Double Anniversary!